Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A glimpse of Halle's Extreme Bedroom Makeover

Halle's room has been in need of a makeover for quite some time. Although the pink and purple flowers are nice, she has had them for the past 4 years and everything is faded and looking old/worn.
Old beddingSo, this past weekend, Halle and I went out shopping for a couple hours on Sunday and came home with new bedroom stuff for her room. We usually aren't that lucky to find something we both like the first day we look, but we already had an idea in our minds before we left, which made it a lot easier.
We got a solid Black comforter from Target
Hot Pink Sheets from Target

This super fun Zebra pillow (from Target, of course)I have been working on quite a few projects for her room since we got all this stuff. Needless to say, black, hot pink, and zebra are what I'm working with. Every day this week, I have spent my evenings working on different projects. I'm not showing them now, so I won't ruin the full effect of her made-over room (pics to come after this weekend). We don't have school on Friday, so I am going to begin painting her room then. It's a huge room, so it's going to take me a while. I really want to have everything done this weekend though... We'll see...I am really excited about it!! Pray I don't run into any snags along the way, or mess up royaly while painting.


Christian Carroll Stewart said...

ohh, I'm sure it will be so cute! Can't wait to see the pics!

Betsy said...

Very cute!! Where are you guys now? Are you in a house or apartment? I know she's going to LOVE all the new stuff!