Monday, September 15, 2008


Today I took Halle to the dentist. Our trips to the dentist are never pleasant ones, as we always end up with a bunch of bad news at the end of time there. The last time she went, she had like 6 cavities, one of which we had to have a baby root canal done on. Thank goodness we have an Aunt in the business, otherwise I would forever be in debt to the dentist.

Today, I picked Hal up early from school. She was upset because it was right in the middle of art class and she didn't get to finish drawing her clown. I forgot her toothbrush, so we rushed home for her to brush really quickly. Why do we always think that one last brush is going to make a difference? The damage is already done by that point, but we always find it necessary to brush and floss the day we are going to the dentist. Like I mentioned earlier, Brad's Aunt Linda is a dentist! Yes, we have a dentist and a doctor in the family! We are superbly blessed!
Halle has been complaining about a tooth hurting while she is eating, and I figured it was another cavity. I honestly couldn't figure out she had another cavity though because it seemed we had filled just about every tooth in her little mouth. The hygienist was super nice. She chatted with Hal and said she did awesome on x-rays. Come to find out, she had lost 2 of her fillings. It is because she grinds her teeth horribly during the night. They said it was very common for "grinders". She only had a little decay on one other tooth, so that was good news.
Now for the BAD NEWS-I knew it had to be coming, because one cavity just didn't seem like enough for our dentist trip. Halle's mouth is beyond weird. She is getting ready to lose teeth that she is not supposed to lose for another 3 years!!! So, we have to be careful not to wiggle those teeth at all because they are working as spacers for her permanent teeth. If they do fall out, Halle will have to have a spacer put in otherwise her other teeth will push together, leaving no room for her permanent teeth that would be coming at some point in time.
Ok, so I think that should be enough news for our trip, but no, there's more. One of Hal's 6 year molars in coming in, however, it is trapped up in the gum. It is growing a little crooked and is eating away at the tooth next to it. The dentist could pull that tooth, however, it is working as a spacer, so it really needs to stay. She is going to talk to an orthodontist about it because she has no idea what she should do.
What a mess!!! It's always something with Halle's mouth. If nothing else, we sure do get an education on teeth and your mouth while we are at the dentist.
I love Aunt Linda too! She is a great dentist and is super sweet to us! Thanks for everything you do!
I can't wait to see what Parker's mouth has in store for us!!!!
On the walls in the office they have painted a few quotes about teeth and smiles. I thought these two were really cute:

"You don't have to brush your teeth - just the ones you want to keep." ~Author Unknown

“A smile happens in a flash, but its memory can last a lifetime.”

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