Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blog Giveaways

The other day I came across a couple of blogs that are solely devoted to listing all the different "bloggy" giveaways that are taking place. I had no clue it was so huge to give something away on your blog, but I guess it is. You wouldn't believe all the stuff different designers, company owners, etc are giving away for free to anyone who signs up. So, since coming across these sites, I have been checking daily the different giveaways and signing up for all the free stuff that I would love to win. If you've never seen these sights, you'd be amazed at some of the stuff people are giving away- anything from a Starbucks Cappucinno Maker (retails at like $700) to homemade quilts, jewelry, etc. Most of the time a blogger is showcasing a specific designer of a product, so all you have to do is go to the designer's website, look around, and then go back and post a comment about an item you saw and liked. It's that simple! Then, you are eligible to win whatever they are giving away.
I'm sure I am wasting my time, as my chances of actually winning something are slim, but it has been fun to learn about new products and different designers I would never have heard of otherwise. There's always a thrill to sign up for a free giveaway.
Moving on...Our week has been normal as usual. School, work, dinner, bed. Throw in a little tv, reading, and playing as well. Today was a "not-so-great" day for me at work-not because the students were horrible, but because another teacher humiliated me in front of an entire classroom. Oh well. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.
I've started a new book this week : The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella. I'm only a few chapters in, but it is already good. I love Kinsella and the Shopaholic books, so I figured I would like this one as well! I just saw that "Confessions of a Shopaholic" is coming out in theaters next year!!! It looks so funny!!! I am still totally into the Twilight books and have finished the first 2. I really didn't want to have to buy the hardback Eclipse book, but I don't think it's in softcover yet, so I will probably just have to suck it up and spend the few extra dollars because all the libraries around here have waiting lists for the books. That will be on my weekend shopping list!!


Stacey said...

Kellie, I read all my blogs through Google Reader (since I read about 150 a day) so I haven't been actually TO your blog in awhile, but your Thanksgiving background is so great! I love it.

Anonymous said...

The Undomestic Goddess: If this was on television it would be shown as a romantic comedy that you can enjoy whilst drinking beer and eating biscuits. I vote this book a HIT.