Thursday, March 4, 2010

Crazy Week

This has been a crazy week for Halle (and us)!!

*Halle had dress rehearsal until 6:45 at school for her drama club performance.
*I ran down to the mall with Jessica to use up a 40% off coupon at American Eagle. Got GREAT deals!! Like at $44.95 dress for $3.58, a $39.50 dress for $1.78, a $19.90 perfume for $1.06, and MUCH more!! It pays to shop the sale rack sometimes!! Mine looks like this, except is a light blue plaid
Mine is a lot like this, but it has a little white thrown into it too!

* Halle had her drama club performance after school. Thankfully, her play was the second one, otherwise I think we would have been there all night. She was the "Horse" in the skit, "The Cat Who Walked Alone."

* I did a little shopping with Micky during the day- I didn't have to work which was really weird, but I think it's because it's the end of the trimester this week and teachers are busy finishing up report cards and exams, so they don't want to miss work.

We went to two cute, unique stores. Elements in Lake Orion has a lot of unique house and gift items. We didn't buy anything, but it would be a great place to find a gift for someone that you couldn't find at your typical stores. We also went to The Saltbox, which is actually within walking distance from my house and is AWESOME!!! I found a lot of cool home decor things I would like. They actually had some of the kitchen decor I already have, which was cool. Plus, I LOVED the fun music they had playing, and it smelled delicious in the store. I will definitely be going back!!

* Halle's school had Family Fun Night, which highlights literacy in children. It was actually supposed to be last week, but we had a snow day on the day it was scheduled, so it made for a busy week at school this week. They had community vendors set up promoting literacy, the school book fair, age appropriate activities, and an ice cream social. It was nice, but I actually thought Halle's school last year did a much better job at putting one on. Oh well. I still bought both Hal and Parker a couple new books for our collection.

Gotta love David Shannon! My kids LOVE his books!

This one just looked cute! Thought Parker might enjoy it!

Halle begged for this book. She read the entire thing when we got home. She kept asking us NOT to fast forward through our DVRed American Idol, so she could read during the commercials. HA!


We don't have anything planned after school today and tomorrow is NO SCHOOL!! So, hopefully, we can get some things done around the house because I've let it go to shambles for the sake of all these school activities, and maybe to watch American Idol too!

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