Saturday, February 7, 2009

Riding Horses

We've had a heat wave up here the last 2 days!!! It's been in the 40's and everyone has been ecstatic!! I mean, people are breaking out their shorts for this warm weather!!! When you haven't been above 20 degrees in over a couple months, 40 does seem warm...Well, we didn't break out our summer clothes, but we did get out Oreo, and Halle and Parker went riding a couple days this week.
Parker absolutely loved riding. He didn't want to get off!He's not looking too happy that Halle has to ride with him

Oreo, Brad, Parker, and HalleI forgot to take any pictures of Halle riding by herself, but she is doing extremely well!!! We're considering entering her into some horse competitions this spring/summer. Brad did it while he was growing up, and we know Halle would enjoy getting dolled up and showing off a horse in competition. She just needs to keep practicing.
You will notice that we still have many inches worth of snow on the ground and the kids are still wearing their snow gear!!! It's still winter here (boo-hoo), but boy do we wish spring would get here soon!!

1 comment:

Betsy said...

How fun!!! I bet Halle will be so cute in those competitions. I can't believe Parker is already on a horse, too. Sounds like he already loves riding! Kids and horses just go together!