My Friday started off in a frenzy. I will start this story from the beginning so that it all makes sense. I have a small planner that I keep in my purse that has all my scheduled work days written in.

(Sidenote: I am a substitute teacher right now until I can find a real teaching job, but I am VERY thankful to have a job, even if it is just subbing) I have gotten to know a lot of teachers in the Lapeer schools, so many of them request me weeks in advance, so my weeks usually get filled up quickly. I sub 5 days a week, every week (which is a huge blessing because most subs only get called a couple times a week).

Well, last night I was telling Brad that I did
not have anything scheduled for Friday(today), which just means I would be getting a 5am call in the morning to go an assigned school (there are always lots of teachers who take Fridays off). I will admit that I felt a little weird last night going to bed and even thought about quickly checking my planner to make sure I had nothing written down, but I could have sworn that I had checked it earlier and nothing was written in. So, I went to bed with the anticipation of the 5am call.

5am rolled around and then 6 and there was no call, so I figured I was going to have the day off today. When you work all 5 school days every week, it just seems weird to not have to work. At 7:05, Brad woke up and I felt like something was wrong, so I asked him to get me my planner. I opened it and my heart stopped. I DID have an assignment at Lapeer East High School. I jumped out of bed barely able to breath because by this time is was 7:10am and school starts at 7:25!!! Yes, that's only 15 minutes!! I should have already been to school by this time!

Have you ever had that feeling before where you have either overslept or gotten behind and are going to be late to something important?? I was freaking out!! I rushed to the computer to look up the school's number, called them and explained that I was going to be a few minutes late (yikes!) and rushed around getting myself ready. Thank heavens that I take my shower at night and every Friday is casual day so I could wear jeans. Brad was sweet enough to iron my shirt for me and I threw my hair into a ponytail. I barely put any make-up on. Brad quickly ran upstairs to start the car for me, grab me a few granola bars and got me a water bottle ready. He was SO sweet!!
Thankfully, Lapeer East is exactly 5 minutes away from where we live, so I didn't have far to drive. I made it to the school and was walking into the office at 7:35!!! I was quite proud of myself for getting there only 10 minutes after school had started. They had gotten another teacher to come in and sit with the students until I got there.
I don't think it was until 1st hour was almost over (1st hr ends at 8:35) that my heart stopped racing. The rest of my day went smoothly, but it sure started out in quite a frenzy. I have learned my lesson though. I will always check my planner before going to bed every night just so that I don't make this same mistake again.
I thought this cartoon was pretty cute!
1 comment:
Oh my gosh...that sounds soooo nerve wracking!! I've had times like that and they make you so stressed out! I'm glad the rest of your day went okay! :)
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