I think the 2009 Fashion Show Week (where all the big time designers show off their spring line) was just a couple of weeks ago. I only know this because I read the magazines at the chckout line at Kroger and look at all the pictures of what's "in style". I have been shopping almost every weekend to get ready for our trip to Florida this spring, so I've begun to see the new clothes for spring start hitting the shelves.
While shopping, I have noticed what the Spring Fashion is like, and I'm not so sure I'm liking it.
Neon- Who looks good in neon colors? Yikes! We're back in the 80s!
Bohemian- I could probably wear a few bohemian items..Some things I like better than others
Skinny Jeans- the only people these look good on have legs like these models...pencil legs...definitely not me!

Dresses- I love it! I really want a white dress too!!
Jean-shorts/carpris/jackets/vests/skirts- I like most jean items...not so much the vest though...
Jump Suits- Anyone with a long torso (me) would be picking a wedgie all day long if they wore these
Shoulder pads- Absolutley NO!!! I don't think there has ever been a shirt that looks good with shoulder pads...These models even look ridiculous!

Scarves- I love them!!! The look cute with solid tees, jean jackets, dresses....
So, there it is...Spring Fashion...We will be seeing it all over store's shelves and on the streets...I will try to branch out a little and get a few "instyle" things, but I will probably resort back to a lot of my basics...I'm hoping Fall Fashion is more my style...Whatever that is!!
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