Today's been an interesting one. I didn't get called to sub, which felt strange. Brad was home all day because he just finished up a project and doesn't have much lined up yet for the coming weeks. I took Parker with me to Halle's piano lesson, so I didn't get my usual nap in the car, which was ok, because I totally enjoyed playing with Parker. We went to Target afterwards and Halle bought some slippers, a "reader"-it's what she calls books she can read, and Parker got a book. We came home and ate dinner- Beef Stew (thanks Mom D), however, Parker refused to eat anything at dinner, which was strange. Halle and Parker took a bath and got all nice and clean smelling. Parker felt warm to me all day, so I gave him some Tylenol. About 2 minutes after giving it to him, he acted/sounded like he was choking and began throwing up green goo. He had eaten green yogurt (watermelon flavor) about 1/2 hour before. Last week Mom D had the flu and none of us got it, so we thought it had passed. I am hoping this was just a fluke throw up and not the flu! Just what I want to be dealing with during my week off...
Anyways, I was reading my friend Betsy's blog and she did this fun Photo Tag tonight, so I thought I would join the bandwagon and so it too.
A Place You'd Like To Visit:
A Place You'd Like To Visit:
Ok- I have a bunch, however, I have narrowed it down to 5. I could probably list a ton if I had the time.
The Disney Cruise
The Disney Cruise
Las Vegas
Paris, France- I've been to a bunch of other countries in Europe, but never to Paris
New York City-for both the sites and the shopping
Your Age:
Your Indulgences:
Your Name:
My name is spelled K-e-l-l-i-e! I was not surprised I couldn't find a photo with that spelling in it. All my life I have never been able to get anything that has the name Kellie on it because it is always spelled Kelly. Oh well. 
What You Are Doing Right Now:
I'm trying to figure out what to buy everyone for Christmas. It is fast approaching and I need to be ready for the Day After Thanksgiving shopping-yep, I get up at 5am and shop!!
Halle wants the Nintendo Wii for Christmas. We are going to try our hardest to ger her one, even though a lot of stores say they are unavailable right now.
Your Favorite Color:
Your Favorite Color:
My favorite color is green. I think it is because I have green eyes and green clothing usually looks good on me. I also like people doing "green" things to save the earth, however, I can't say I'm a very good example of a "green" person.
The Photo Tag was fun! You should play along if you want to too!
The Photo Tag was fun! You should play along if you want to too!
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