Saturday we spent the morning doing a bunch of work around the house. Jessica and I did a lot of work in her room. I will take a picture of it when it is totally all done. It is still a work in progress. In the evening, Brad, Parker, Halle, Jessica, and I all went to Great Lakes Crossing and shopped for a little bit and went to eat at the Rainforest Cafe. That restuarant is SO fun! If you have never been, I would totally recommend it just for all the cool stuff that happens there while you eat.
I totally forgot my camera so I didn't get any pictures of Parker's reactions to the animals. He loved the store and kept pointing to things everywhere. He stood and just stared into the fish tank for the longest time. Right when we were walking in to sit down, it was the thunderstorm, so all the animals were going nuts and the lights were flashing. Parker was a little scared and we sat right underneath the gorilla, so he was a little freaked out. We thought we were going to have to take him out every time the gorilla went nuts, but by the 2-3 time, he was used to it and he just stared. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed our time there. Halle has gone there before, so it wasn't anything new to her, but she said she definitely wants to have her birthday dinner there. I promised she could get their infamous dessert- The Volcano, which comes with a lit sparkler on top and they yell "Volcano" as they bring it out!
Sunday was a lazy day. We had church and then we spent the afternoon at home. I did go out for a little while with Scott, Jessica and Allyson to Kohl's and Wal-Mart. It was snowing like crazy most of the day, but hardly any of it was sticking to the cement.
This week has been pretty normal. I was sad to see Cody and Julieann leave DWTS tonight. They were a cute couple. I am unsure who I am rooting for to win! I like Warren and Brooke the best, but I will say that Lance did the best by far on Monday night.
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