Huge Hay Stack
Corn Maze
The witch flying around the pumpkin patch
The HUGE pumpkin
The whole class staring at the Haunted House! Everyone was too scared to go in, but they liked looking at it.
Halle on the tricycle race track
My group thinking there animals in front of the storybook barn.
After Halle got home from school (she had to stay because she had a spelling test), we played outside for a little while. We just couldn't get over how nice it was outside. Brad was practicing his football punts in the back field, and ended up getting the football stuck in the very top of a tree. When I say "the top", I honestly mean the very top limb of a really tall tree. We thought he might be able to climb up and shake some branches to loosen the ball, but it was too high up. Brad started kicking and throwing a soccer ball, and actually hit the football a couple of times, but it was budging. After about 20 minutes of working at it, Brad threw the soccer ball up and it hit the football out, however, the soccer ball landed right where the football was and got stuck in the exact same place. So, needless to say, we gave up. We got the football for the price of a soccer ball. Who knows if it will ever fall out??
The whole class staring at the Haunted House! Everyone was too scared to go in, but they liked looking at it.
My group thinking there animals in front of the storybook barn.
We met with the Williams to go trick-or-treating at night. All the downtown stores in the city of Davison were passing out candy for a couple of hours before the actual "trick-or-treating" began, so we went down there first. The kids got a good start filling up their buckets. Allyson and Scott went with us too! It was fun to have them tag along with all of us. Afterwards, we went to Taco Bell for dinner.
Our cheerleader
Our football player

We then went back to the William's subdivision and started trick-or-treating. It was a beautiful night. We didn't have to have huge winter coats, gloves, or hats on. The kids just got to wear their costume, which is not typcial in Michigan!! Usually, you have to design your costume around a coat, boots, etc. Halle and Bailey were literally running to every house! They were so excited. I stayed up with them, while the rest of the group took Parker around. The people that live in their sub are super generous. The kids got lots of king size candy bars, special treats for doing cheers (the girls), and Parker got all sorts of extra goodies for looking so cute!!!! One of their neighbors actually let Halle, Bailey, and I come into her house to use the restroom and gave us bags to dump their full buckets into.

By 7:45, the kids were tired (and so was I). Back at the house, they all dumped out their candy and counted each piece. I think Halle had 105 pieces!! Parker shared his candy with everyone!! It was an enjoyable Halloween. I honestly will say it is the best Halloween we have had yet. Hopefully, next year we will have just as much (if not more) fun!!!! Happy Halloween!! 
Parker put on Corey's football pads and jersey. He looked so cute!! He is definitely going to play football when he get older. 

He even put the helmet on. It was so heavy that I was afraid it was going to break his neck, so he didn't keep it on for long.
He even put the helmet on. It was so heavy that I was afraid it was going to break his neck, so he didn't keep it on for long.
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