This past weekend was Lapeer West's Homecoming. Although I did not graduate from there (I went to a small, private school where football and dancing were NOT allowed), I still enjoyed all the festivities. On Wednesday, Jessica played in the Powder-Puff game. We didn't stay for the entire game because it was late and Halle and Parker were both really tired. The seniors won though!! On Friday, I got to sub at West, which meant I got to come home an hour early because they had a pep assembly last hour.
Jessica with the other "Top 4" girls at their assembly

Jessica was nominated for Homecoming Court. She made the top 4, so she got to do all the fun stuff that those on court get to do.
After Halle got out of school, we got all dressed up in our "Panther" clothes and went to the Tailgate Party. We were planning on getting there a lot earlier than we actually did, but Brad didn't get home from work until later than expected, which just put us all behind. We did make it though and Halle and Bailey got their faces painted, got balloons, and jumped around in the bounce house. We didn't pack a dinner (because I ran out of time), so we stopped by good ol' McD's and picked up our dinner and ate it once we got there. The game started off horribly for the Panthers. Within the first 10 minutes of the game it was 21-0 (we were losing). Thankfully, our team got their act together and scored a few touchdowns in the next two quarters. We still lost though!
Here's all the cousins at the game...Who knows where Halle is? Obviously, not in the picture

Halle and Bailey

Brad and I with our matching West t-shirts

Halle and Brad

The Panther team

By the end of the game, it was cold out. Parker liked snuggling with daddy.

Halle got a football painted on 1 cheek and a panther paw on the other

During half-time, the Homecoming Court was announced and Jessica didn't win. Bummer. :0(

After the game, a bunch of people came over and we got pizzas and had a bonfire. Most of the teens were outside the entire time while the adults sat inside. Todd and one of his friends from college, Durant, came home this weekend for Homecoming. We just sat around and talked with them seeing as how we really don't know many of the parents. It was fun, yet I was exhausted by the time everyone finally left.
On Saturday, Jessica and I went to get our nails done. She got hers painted really cool. Instead of a traditional french manicure, she got hers painted purple going on an angle. I totally forgot to get a picture of them, but they looked cool. I just got mine done in the traditional french manicure.
The rest of the day was spent getting the outside of the house ready for all the kids and parents that were coming over to take pictures. Plus, we had to help Jess get all beautified for the dance. She did her own hair and make-up and I painted her toenails for her. I thought she looked really pretty (like always).
Preston and Jess

Parker wasn't too happy about getting his picture taken
Sophie (the dog) kept Halle and Parker entertained while the kids got their pictures taken
This was the group that came over for pictures. I'd say there were 40-50 people here, including parents/siblings.
Jessica's dress was by far the prettiest of this bunch. I didn't care for many of the other girl's dresses. The red one (on the end) was my 2nd favorite.
After everyone was sent off, the fam headed into Outback Steakhouse for dinner. We just love Outback and of course, the Bloomin Onion. It was an enjoyable dinner with everyone. Afterwards, Mom and Dad D took Todd and Durant back to school and we came home and watched Iron Man. I honestly still haven't seen it because while it was on, I was trying to get everything together for the Sunday School lesson. I am now teaching Halle, Bailey, and Corey during church (we are just meeting at Grandma's house right now because she is too ill to get out of bed anymore and she enjoys us doing church with her). So, I need to watch that movie. I hear it is super good!!!
1 comment:
How fun that they get all dressed up for Homecoming!! It's almost like prom all over again!
Are you and Brad living at his parent's house for now?
Looks like you had such a FUN weekend!
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