Last Saturday (the same day as Jessica's Homecoming), Halle went to a cheerleading clinic at Lapeer East. Their cheerleaders held an all day clinic from 9am-4pm for 1st-6th grade girls. They got a t-shirt, hair bow, and had lunch with them. Halle came home having learned 6-7 new cheers. She had a lot of fun and to top it all off, all the girls got a chance to cheer with the "real" cheerleaders at Lapeer's Friday football game. So, this past Friday (it's almost been a week ago now), we went to Lapeer East's football game to watch Halle cheer. They got to cheer for the entire first half of the game. Halle did really well. She looked so cute all bundled up cheering away. She is SO good at learning the moves to each cheer. She does them all perfectly.
They got to use the cheerleader's pompoms for part of the time
On Saturday, Brad took Halle with him to Aunt Terry's house. He has been remodeling her entire house since we moved back to MI and he is finishing up on the roof. Halle ended up playing the entire time with the next door neighbor girl. She had a lot of fun, I guess. Brad has some pictures of his work somewhere, so I will post those as soon as I can find them. Once they got home, we headed into Flint and started looking for Halloween costumes. We have had a hard time deciding what Parker and Halle are going to be this year. Some ideas we have thrown around were: Princess and a frog, horse (I saw a horse costume in Parker's size) and a cowgirl, Pebbles and Bambam (from the Flintstones), chicken and an egg (I saw an adorable homemade chicken costume), and a football player and cheerleader. Halle couldn't make up her mind what she wanted to be, so Brad made the decision that they should be a football player and cheerleader. I kind of liked some of our other ideas better, but we figured we could get Parker an actual jersey so that he could wear it later on and we decided to reuse Halle's Upward cheerleading uniform for her costume. All the cheerleader costumes at the stores were $25+ and weren't that pretty, so we went to JoAnn's and bought some glitter glue and a bunch of rhinestones, and we have been glitzing her uniform all up. I acutally think it is going to look really cute when all is said and done. We got Parker a U of M football jersey and when he wears his coat underneath it, it looks like he has actual football pads on. There will be lots of pictures to follow once the costumes get finished.
We then spent the evening over at my parents. My mom wasn't home because she was in Detroit on a work trip, but my dad made monster steaks (they were the size of a plate) and I made a salad, mashed potatoes, and really good cheesy bread. I also threw a frozen pumpkin pie in the oven and we had that for dessert. After dinner, Allyson and I went up to Family Christian Store and Old Navy. I wanted to get a book to help me with making my Sunday School lessons for church and also buy Halle a Bible.
On Sunday, we had church in the morning and I spent most of the afternoon at the Red Tag Store in Oxford, MI trying on clothes. I am going to be in a fashion show tomorrow night if you can believe it!!! The Red Tag Store is a store that sells name brand clothing for 50+% off. They mainly have the brands you would find at your upscale department stores. That store, along with Mary Kay Cosmetics and Great Clips Hair Salon are throwing a fashion show. I was asked to be a model!!! I have to model three different outfits, get my make-up done by a Mary Kay consultant, and I could get my hair done at a Great Clips, however, I won't have the time to get to one, so I am having Jessica do it for me. Jessica and Mom D went with me to pick out my outfits. I was so thankful they went with me!!! I had to get an evening gown, a professional outfit, and a casual outfit. We spent over 2 hours in the store figuring everything out. We also had to get all of our accessories and shoes picked out as well. It was a lot of fun, but tiring. There were 2 other models in the store at the same time as me, and I have to say my outfits were the best. We forgot to take pictures, but I am going to have people take a bunch of pics tomorrow night for me, so I will post those soon. Pray that I don't fall on my face! I am getting nervous!!!
So, that was our weekend in a nutshell. This weekend is going to be a busy one too, but I will blog about that later. Hope you are having a good week too!!
1 comment:
How cool!!! A fashion show??? You are famous! You BETTER take lots of pictures! :) You are going to look so pretty!
It's so sweet that you are teaching a Sunday School class at your church. I know you are a great teacher!
PS-I always have fun listening to your playlist. I love that song Without Love from Hairspray (it just puts you in a good mood, huh?) and Leavin'--so fun!
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