Parker was a MI football player

Halle was a MI cheerleader. We recycled her Upward uniform and "glitzed" it up
Halle doing cheerleading moves

This evening, we had dinner with the Massers. They are some old friends from the church we used to attend when we lived in Michigan before. They have a little boy, Riley, who is about 4 months older than Parker. They are a sweet couple and we had a nice time catching up with them. I made Apple Dumplings (I got the recipe from my friend Betsy's blog) for dessert. Everyone liked them. I will proably make another batch of them soon!!
This evening, we had dinner with the Massers. They are some old friends from the church we used to attend when we lived in Michigan before. They have a little boy, Riley, who is about 4 months older than Parker. They are a sweet couple and we had a nice time catching up with them. I made Apple Dumplings (I got the recipe from my friend Betsy's blog) for dessert. Everyone liked them. I will proably make another batch of them soon!!
When we got home, Mom and Dad had just rented Leatherheads and were starting to watch it, so we put the kids to bed and watched it with them. It was a cute, funny movie.
Aren't those apple dumplings delicious?? I have already made them twice this week! :)
Parker and Halle look adorable in their Halloween costumes!
your kids are so cute! Glad you found my blog!
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