Yesterday I did something I wasn't sure I was capable of doing. It was my D-day!!! Driving Day, that is. After spending many hours packing myself, Halle, and Parker, plus a bunch of random things you can take when you are driving to your destination, we loaded up the trunk of our car, plus the front passenger seat, and took off.
This wasn't even all we took. Add a cooler, another duffel bag, a stroller, a pillow, and a few small items and that was all we took!!!
We left at 7 am (I wanted to leave at 6:30) and drove, drove, drove. My goal was to get there as fast I could, and boy did I!! Our trip was so uneventful, it was wonderful. We didn't hit any traffic, storms, construction back-ups, nothing!!! And Halle and Parker were WONDERFUL!! I could tell that a lot of people must have been praying for us!! We only stopped twice, which is amazing considering I had two little kids with me. They slept, played, listened to music, and tried to watch dvds, but our laptop didn't want to cooperate. We made it into our hometown 12 hours later. When we hit the "Welcome to Michigan" sign, I yelled out a "yipee"!!! Unfortunately, we still had a little over 100 miles to go, but it was nice to know we had made it.
This was the best map I could find. I left from Charlotte, NC, not Mrytle Beach, SC. That was about the same route we took though!!! All 754 miles of it!!!

We spent the first evening here with the DeLanges. They all wanted to hold and hug Parker, but he was quite hesitant to go to any of them, except Scott and Todd. He will only allow males (and me) to hold him for some reason.
This morning we took our time getting ready because it was raining and thundering and then we visited with Aunt Mindy and her kids- Chad, Corey, and Bailey. Halle and Bailey went off playing right away and we didn't hear from them the rest of the afternoon. They did get in the pool while the sun was shining though. Here are a few pics from the afternoon.
Halle and BaileyMe and Parker
After swimming, naps, and playing, we headed off to my parents house for the evening. We ate Subway for dinner, talked, and they played with Halle and Parker. Both Grandma and Papa even played Monkey in the Middle with them. It was quite a scream!! They bought both kids a bunch of stuff from their trip to Kauai-it's an island in Hawaii. Halle loved her hula outfit and my mom taught her how to hula. Parker looked adorable in his hawaiian outfit!!!
Shake those hips Hal!!!
My mom teaching Halle how to Hula Dance
Parker and Papa watching Halle and Grandma dance
Parker wasn't too thrilled about getting his picture taken, but boy did he look cute!!!
Glad you made it safely, and quickly is even better! Its amazing that you didn't have traffic, construction or anything, what a blessing!
I don't have the guts to do that yet. Its pathetic that you're so much farther south than us but it takes us 13-14 hours to get home :-)
Looks like you are having fun already!! I'm just amazed that you drove all that way by yourself with two kids! Wow!
I hope Brad can join you soon! :)
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