For the last few weeks, I have been finding more and more ants crawling around my computer desk. For those of you that don't know, we live in an apartment right now (hoping to move to a house at the end of this lease, but who knows??), and we are on the bottom level. We actually have to go down a set of stairs from the parking lot, but we have a little yard out our back door, not just a balcony. Well, these ants have been driving me nuts, but ususally I only see one or two ants a day. They are just itty bitty ants too, but still, very annoying. Brad made the mistake of leaving a bag of garbage by our front door earlier this week and we woke up to ants galore. They were everywhere!!! All over the bags, walls, floor... I was quite furious as I had to deal with a million ants as I was rushing out the door to take Halle to school. I got that whole mess cleaned up and went back to just a few ants each day. Well, tonight I came home from our first book club meeting and the laundry room floor was covered with ants. I have no clue why they were there. There was no food in there, just a few wet towels from swimming at the pool today. So, once again, I had to deal with a million ants crawling all over the place. I'm getting really sick of these ants. Hopefully, the management here can do something about it, because now, even as I sit here writing this blog, I feel like ants are all over me.
It's the attack of the ants!!!
On a lighter note, we had our first book club meeting tonight. Christy, the host, made spaghetti and everyone else brought bread, salads, wine, and I made cookies for dessert. It was so nice to socialize with a bunch of ladies from church and we finally decided on our first book-"The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls. We are going to meet once a month for food, fellowship, and book discussion.

I already know I will have the book finished in about 3 days max, so I might wait to we get closer to the next meeting to start reading it, otherwise, I will not remember all the details about it and I will want to participate in the discussion. If you've read this book, let me know what you think. I'm looking forward to reading it!
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