Last night, after writing my post, reading a few others, and watching a little tv, I went in to check on Halle, who was asleep in bed. (Remember-she had not been feeling well all afternoon) She was on fire!! I made her get up and take her temperature and it was 103.5!!! So, her temp was obviously going up! When she went to bed it was around 101 and she had Tylenol. I made her get in a cool bath and gave her more medicine. I set the alarm and got up again at 4am. Her temp was thankfully going down by then. It was 102. When she got up at 10:30 this morning, it was down to 100. She unfortunately missed school (she only has one more day left) and her temp was right at 99 all day. This afternoon, she started to complain about having a sore throat. I looked in her mouth with a flashlight and her throat was super red!!! So, needless to say, she was diagnosed with strep throat and put on medicine. Her temperature has not gone below 99, even with Tylenol. She will probably miss her very last day of kindergarten tomorrow, but I am hoping to take her up there for a few minutes anyways to say goodbye to everyone. We are giving Parker the medicine too just to be on the safe side. Hopefully, this is all cleared up by Thursday, when we head out for MI.
Tonight, I got to talk to an old friend, who I haven't talked to in forever and it was SO nice!! She was my best friend growing up. Everyone thought we were twins or sisters, even though she was one year older than me. We made a lot of good memories with each other. I will never forget our canoeing trip when we tipped over and had a million spiders in our canoe (we both are deathly afraid of spiders). It was horrible and yet it is one of my favorite memories of our friendship. I guess life just started to take us down separate paths and we kind of lost touch for a while. It's nice to catch up with her, even though we don't do it nearly as often as we should.
Cheneille Pagan, my friend
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