Friday, June 27, 2008
FX-Family Experience
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Michigan Trip
I thought that since we had so much fun in MI, I would reflect on all the cool things we did while we were there. We stayed at my in-laws this time. They have a beautiful house with a pool, big barn with 2 horses and a pony, and lots of land that backs up to a beautiful lake.
I worked on quite a few pages of that scrapbook.
My sister-in-law, Jessica, and me. We will be doing this all again next year for her!!
The kids made a bunch of colorful signs on the driveway with side-walk chalk!
We also went riding on the horses. Halle loves to ride and actually got Oreo (the horse) to walk and trot all by herself. Usually, Brad leads the horse around the arena, but Halle did it all alone this year. Parker also went riding for the first time!! He absolutely LOVED the horses and kept pointing at the barn to go out and see them. He couldn't get enough of them.
We made it down to the lake a couple times. We went out on the paddle boat and I actually fell asleep while on it because it was so relaxing. Halle paddled and steered the boat all by herself. One time we piled everyone-8 of us- into the truck and went down to the lake (you have to drive there because they don't have a clear pathway through the woods). My parents were actually over at the time and went along too. Halle, Brad, my brother, and I all had to sit in the bed of the truck on the way there and back because our parents filled up the seats inside the truck. After being there for about 5 minutes, it started to storm. My parents were out on the paddle boat with Halle and my brother was fishing off the shore. We all scurried to get everything back in the truck and trailer, but on the way home, it started hailing and we were all in the back of the truck getting pelted with hail and rain. What a memory!!!
We had LOTS and LOTS of fun in Michigan and we really didn't want to leave. We miss all our family so much. We look forward to seeing everyone again soon!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!!
I also have to say Happy Dad's Day to my wonderful husband, Brad. He is such a great dad!!! He loves our kids unconditionally, wants to spend all his free time with them, and makes our family the top priority in his life (after God). He shows such patience to both them and me. I couldn't ask for a better husband and father to my kids!!! I love you Brad!!!
My husband, Brad
Today, we spent the morning with the DeLanges. We had pancakes for breakfast and then had our family church service down at Grandpa and Grandma Park's house. We then headed off to my parent's house for lunch. My grandparents, Aunt Terry, and Uncle Wes, Aunt Mel, and Rachel all came over too. My Uncle Wes and family are missionaries to the Dominican Republic and they are here visiting for the summer. It was nice to visit with them as I haven't seen them in a few years. In the afternoon, we all went outside and played with sidewalk chalk. We all laid downed on the ground and Halle traced the outline of our bodies and then we colored them in.
Here's Uncle Andy drawing while Halle watched
This was Allyson's
This was my mom's
This was Halle's
This was mine!
Friday, June 13, 2008
We Made It!!
Halle and BaileyMe and Parker
Shake those hips Hal!!!
My mom teaching Halle how to Hula Dance
Parker and Papa watching Halle and Grandma dance
Parker wasn't too thrilled about getting his picture taken, but boy did he look cute!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
School's out-Sorry we missed it!

I hosted the baby playgroup again today. Christy and Ava were the only ones to come, but it was super nice just chit-chatting with Christy and trying to stay cool in the pool. I forgot my camera, but Christy took some pictures of the kids swimming. I will have to get some copies and post them soon.
Brad and Halle went out after dinner and blew bubbles and threw the ball. Parker just sat on the blanket and laughed at them. It was sweet. They didn't last too long out there though because out of the blue we heard thunder and saw huge flashes of lightning. So, that stopped their fun short.
I am getting excited to see all our family in just a couple of days. I can't believe we only have 1 more day here in Charlotte before we head out for our long journey northward.
Monday, June 9, 2008
The Night of Fever

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Goals for the week
This is where the symphony plays!
Goals for the week ahead:
Watch Kallie on Monday/Wednesday
Host the baby playgroup again on Tuesday-back to the pool because it's going to be HOT!
Get the oil changed in the car
Vacuum out the car
Get laundry done and pack for Michigan
Get up early and begin the long 12 hour drive to MI on Thursday
Sign up Halle for the Summer Reading Program (through our library) on Wednesday
Get birthday presents to the designated recipients before I leave
Celebrate the official last day of school on Tuesday!!!!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Tonight I'm...
Wondering: How I'm going to get everything done tomorrow! My schedule for tomorrow is: 9:30-12:30 Church, 1:30-3:00 Birthday Party for girl in Halle's class, 4:30-? Church picnic, 6:30-? Pops in the Park!! It seems everything is all happening on one day.
Dreaming About: Having our finances all worked out so we can buy a house! I don't know if it will happen this year, but I like to hope that it will.
Remembering: Brad throwing Parker really high in the air when we were at the pool.