Everyday when I am in line to pick up Halle from school, I try to finish at least one puzzle in my Sudoku book. I am usually successful and sometimes I even get 2 done!! I will admit, there have been days that I leave a few minutes early to pick her up just so that I will have a few extra minutes to work on a puzzle!!!
Today was a rainy one and of course it was my big grocery shopping day. Why do I always pick the rainy days to do my shopping?? We got quite wet hauling groceries to the car and then inside once we were home. I do a lot of my major grocery shopping at Super Target. For anyone who doesn't already know it, Target (or any form of the store) is my absolute favorite store. I definitely spend more money at that store than any other. There are weeks when I have gone up to Target 4-5 times, sometimes twice in one day!!! When Italian Charm bracelets were popular a few years back, my mother-in-law, Micky, bought me a link that said "I love Target". I truely love that store and pray it never goes out of business!!!
It tastes amazing!!! This is what mine looked like. I ended up making two loaves because I accidently doubled the amount of butter needed, so I just ended up doubling the whole recipe. It's probably better that I made 2 anyways. The first one is almost gone!!!
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