He talked about how we need to obey the Lord and be ready for His discipline when we disobey. It was a good reminder that the Lord only disciplines His children because He loves them and wants what's best for them.
On the way home from church, I stopped by Walmart to pick up my keys (read yesterday's blog if you haven't already) and then at a little produce stand in a gas station parking lot. I got all sorts of fruits and veggies and only spent $10!!! I will definitely be stopping there more often.
We spent the whole afternoon down by the pool. It was so warm out, the cool water felt nice. My friend, Jackie, and her 11 month old son, Carter, came over and swam with us. We all had a good time and were quite tired when we got back home.
I made a new recipe tonight. I am always leery to try something new, but it actually was a hit with the family!
Broccoli Chicken Casserole
2-3 chicken breasts, cooked
1 pkg. frozen broccoli, tender
10 slices of cheddar cheese
1/2 pkg. egg noodles, cooked
1 can Cream of Celery soup
3/4 soup can water
Cut cooked chicken into bite size pieces. Mix the soup with water. Throw all the ingredients into a casserole dish and cook 30-45 minutes at 350*.
It's really simple and tasted great!!
We ended the night with a competitive game of Skip-Bo. I actually won for the first time!!
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