Every Thursday Halle brings home a bunch of different folders from school, one filled with poems we are supposed to go over, another filled with letters/forms from the teacher, and the other is usually crammed full with all of Halle's work from the prior week. There is always at least one or two pieces of art that she has completed. She does such a nice job on all of her work and I had no idea what to do with it all. Instead of just throwing it into a tub to be stored away, I decided to showcase her art on the walls in her room. At the beginning of the school year, the walls were quite blank, with one or two paintings hanging alone. Now, with the end of the school year just a week away, her walls are overflowing with art. We are running out of room!!!! I love going into her room to see all her colorings, paintings, drawings, etc.

This is a bug Halle paper mached. We hung it from the ceiling so it is actually flying in her room.

Halle drew a picture of herself as what she wants to be when she grows up.

"When I grow up I want to be a singer. I will need a microphone and a song"

This is one of the walls in her room!!!

I can't wait for the many other art projects to come home from school in the years to come. Who knows, maybe one day Halle will become a professional artist!!!!
1 comment:
Hi Kellie...
I clicked over from Betsy's blog!
I have three kids and TONS of art. I love your idea of hanging it on the wall. I do that sometimes, and I *always* take individual photos of their artwork too. I save only a few pieces of their very best work each year, and I include the photos in their scrapbooks. It's been a huge help for me...I have a keepsake of their art without having to keep some of the bulkier pieces...like macaroni neckaces and sand art!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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