I just love our class!!! Brad had to work during the first part of the cookout, so I was there alone with Parker and Halle. Everyone was so nice, making sure I had everything I needed, helping out with Parker when needed, etc. I am so used to doing everything myself all the time, it felt weird that people were trying to wait on me.
We had lots of fun!! They first passed out a sheet of paper to everyone with a list of different things, such has: who has seen the new Indiana Jones movie, who has been to Europe, who has a blog, who does something "green" in their home, etc. Then we had to get as many people to sign something on our sheets that was true about them. Whoever had the most signatures at the end won a prize. They also had a game called "Ladder Ball". You have these two stands with three different rods and you have to throw your ball on a string and get it to stay on the rod, each rod with a different point value. I only played it once, but quite a few of the guys were getting a serious competition going on. Halle played a few times and she was getting the hang of it by the end. It was definitely a hit!! You wouldn't think something so simple would be so fun, but it was!!! It is definitely something to invest in if you are having a cookout/party!!
Parker did so well while we were there. He loves being outside, so I figured he wouldn't be too much trouble. One of the other babies and he got into a little baby pool with just their diapers on. It was pretty cold water, but neither seemed to mind after a couple minutes. Everyone just thought he was so cute (which I will agree to) and he actually let quite a few people hold him.
The cookout was so nice because it gave us all a chance to get caught up with each other's lives. At church, we can only talk for a few minutes before we have to go get kids from their classes, so it was nice to finally get to carry a conversation with someone for more than 3 minutes!!! I feel like I finally know a lot of people in our class and actually got a few offers to babysit Halle and Parker so Brad and I can actually have a night out!!!