Tuesday, March 30, 2010
My Furniture Adventure
Well, that wasn't the case...The loading man ended up wanting to tell me his life story overtop of blaring radio music, which he insisted is usually on the Christian radio, but not that day...He talked about his furniture in his home, the radio stations, the tv show "Undercover Boss", etc...I stood there for 1/2 hour listening to him. He was extremely nice, just talkative, of course, on a day when I needed to hurry. He opened up all the packaging and we looked at just the tops of the tables for scratches and dents. All looked great! So, he repackaged them back up and loaded them into the truck for us. I thought all was good (even though my sis was maybe fuming a little bit for now holding her boyfriend up).
We got the furniture home and Brad started putting it together- we just had to screw on the legs of each table...He put the sofa table together first and it looked beautiful!! I was beaming!!
At this point in time Halle and I ran up to pick up our hot, delicious, Hungry Howie's pizza for dinner. When we returned, Brad was snapping a bunch of pictures of the table, still in the box. Come to find out, the coffee table was completely broken underneath. The whole front of it was broken, and the drawers were broken. We called the store and they said they would order us a new one, but we could use the broken one until it came in. Brad said it wouldn't even work to be put together. We opened up the end table and thought all was good until we tried to screw the last leg on. It wouldn't stay tight. And when we flipped the bottom piece over (once the whole stinkin table was put together) we noticed a huge gouge...My heart sunk!
We called the store back up and they are now ordering us a new end table as well. I was very impressed with their attitude and helpfulness. The manager ended up giving us a $20 credit for gas money (we live 45 minutes away from this store).
We will hopefully get our new furniture this week. I am going to make them take out every piece and show me before we leave the store this time. Brad is also going to see about working a deal for the broken end table. It really isn't horrible, just a shaky leg and the scratch (which is covered up by our Ipod dock anyways). We didn't originally think we could fit 2 end tables in our living room, but it's looking like we can now. So, I might end up with another table throughout this whole mess anyways.
I will let you know how it goes!!
Also, good news! We sold the washer and dryer that was left at the house we bought on craigslist and Brad said I could use the money for whatever I wanted!! So...now the question is...What to buy? The rug I like at Target? New bedding? More decor for the living room? Getting my hair done? Fun activities for the kids over spring break?
Only 2 more days until spring break! It honestly can't come soon enough!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
My Birthday
I'm SO excited to go spend my gift cards and can't wait for my living room furniture to come in next week!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Go Calypso!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Beauty & The Beast
We met at Olive Garden for dinner and then wasted a little time at the mall before heading to The Whiting to see the show. We had really good seats. They were center stage in the first balcony. So, we had a great view of everything.
The show was really good! Good singing, acting, and LOTS of humor!! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes Disney! We had a lot of fun together!! The only complaint was the because of the people sitting behind us. It was an 8pm show, but they brought their little 2-3 year old daughter and she only lasted about 1/2 hour out of the 3 hour show. So, needless to say, they made A LOT of noise which was quite distracting and maddening.
It really made me want to watch the movie again. Beauty & the Beast was one of my favorite Disney movies growing up!
(Blogger is being weird right now and won't let me upload pictures. Will do so tomorrow)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Crazy Week

* Halle had her drama club performance after school. Thankfully, her play was the second one, otherwise I think we would have been there all night. She was the "Horse" in the skit, "The Cat Who Walked Alone."
* I did a little shopping with Micky during the day- I didn't have to work which was really weird, but I think it's because it's the end of the trimester this week and teachers are busy finishing up report cards and exams, so they don't want to miss work.
We went to two cute, unique stores. Elements in Lake Orion has a lot of unique house and gift items. We didn't buy anything, but it would be a great place to find a gift for someone that you couldn't find at your typical stores. We also went to The Saltbox, which is actually within walking distance from my house and is AWESOME!!! I found a lot of cool home decor things I would like. They actually had some of the kitchen decor I already have, which was cool. Plus, I LOVED the fun music they had playing, and it smelled delicious in the store. I will definitely be going back!!
This one just looked cute! Thought Parker might enjoy it!
We don't have anything planned after school today and tomorrow is NO SCHOOL!! So, hopefully, we can get some things done around the house because I've let it go to shambles for the sake of all these school activities, and maybe to watch American Idol too!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Best & Worst Feeling (All in One Night)
That same night, on the way home from the mall, we got a call from Jessica saying that someone was texting her from my phone saying "I think someone lost this phone." As soon as I realized I didn't have my phone, I felt horrible. It's like a part of you is missing and you don't know if you will ever see it again. All the pictures, texts, contact numbers, etc. I NEVER lose my phone, so it was really unlike me to have this happen. Brad ended up calling my phone and talking to the honest person that found it!! They were so nice!!! Since the mall was closed by the time she realized her daughter had it, she handed it over to a mall security guard and told them we would be down to get it. Since we live 40 minutes away from this mall, and we were almost home, we decided to just hold off until Thursday to go get the phone.
Thursday after work, my sister and I ran down to the mall to pick it up, only to sit and wait for 30 minutes until the mall security informed me that yes, my phone was turned in the night before, but, someone didn't follow protocol and THEY LOST MY PHONE!! They said they would tear their entire office apart to find it, but I knew that either #1. The threw it away #2. They gave it to the wrong person #3. One of their employees stole it.
Friday afternoon, Brad got the call that the phone was found. We don't believe their story that a random coat was turned in, and inside the pocket of the coat was my phone. What are the odds?? We think that one of their employees figured I wasn't coming to get it and took it home, seeing as how it is a newer phone, but felt guilty because we had called and talked to the management, and most of the employees were baffled as to where it went.
So, I guess they are shipping it to us. Let's hope it really is my phone. HA!!
So, all wrapped into one night was the BEST feeling and the WORST feeling I've had in a long time. I think I'd rather have more BEST feelings happen, than WORST!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
1. Painted the front piano/computer room
2. Painted the upstairs landing
3. Painted the small 1/2 bath off the kitchen
4. Painted the ceiling of the small 1/2 bath off the kitchen
5. Laundry
6. Made Easy Chicken for dinner-thank heaven for Crock Pots
7. Contemplated whether or not I like the color I painted the front room
8. Watched a little of the Olympics
9. Cleaned up the house a little as I have people coming over tonight
10. Showered 2 times!
Nine Things I'm Doing Today:
1. Working
2. Pick up Parker and Halle after work/school
3. Going out to my favorite Mexican restaurant, Sagebrush, with my favorite person, Brad
4. Going to a Phil Keaggy concert at church
5. Laundry
6. Cleaning up house
7. Figuring out dinner for kids and babysitter
8. Kiss my kiddies
9. Watch my DVRed Olympics
Eight Things I Am Doing This Weekend:
1. Hangout with Al, who is spending the night on Friday
2. Clean the house/paint?
3. Premier Design Jewelry Party on Saturday
4. Church
5. Relax
6. Taking Halle to get the stitches out of her ears
7. Go shopping for Halle and me an outfit to wear to "Beauty and the Beast" next Sat.
8. Grocery shop for the coming week
Seven People I'm Hanging Out With This Weekend:
1. Brad
2. Parker
3. Halle
4. Allyson
5. Mom-in-law, Micky
6. Scott
7. Erin B.-The girl hosting the jewelry party
Six Random Questions:
1. Could the Winter Olympics stay on for the remainder of the winter? I don't want them to end!2. Am I the only one confused at some of the Top 24 picks (especially the guys) on AI?
3. Will I ever be done painting? I starting to feel a little overwhelmed.
4. Would Spring get here already? I hate winter!
5. Is it time for lunch yet?
6. Will I win the GMC Terrain that Ellen is giving away today? I REALLY REALLY like the GMC Terrain.
Five Songs Playing On My Ipod:
1. Need You Now-Lady Antebellum
2. American Honey- Lady Antebellum
3. Say Hey (I Love You) -Michael Franti & Spearhead
4. Temporary Home- Carrie Underwood
5. I Run to You- Lady Antebellum
Four Things I Want To Buy:
1. Tables for my living room-Coffee, Sofa, End tables
2. Curtains for living room
3. Wall art
4. Valances for kitchen
Three Ramblings:
1. As a substitute teacher, it's always a boring day when the teacher leaves a video to show. Plus, you end up watching the same video four-five times (when you're in the high school). It gets old after a while. (Don't tell anyone, but I'm typing this up as I watch an episode of "Numbers" for the third time)
2. I wish I could hire a professional interior decorator to decorate my house. I want it to look like the PotteryBarn catalog, just for a fraction of the cost! I will admit that Target, my favorite store, has quite a few home decor items that look a lot like PotteryBarn stuff, but is WAY less in price! Thank you Target!!
3. I HATE my dry skin in the winter. I also HATE the price of good lotion. Why do I need to pay 10-15$$ to get a decent lotion for dry skin. It almost makes me just want to suffer through the itchy, dry skin instead of spending that much on a small bottle of lotion. I did buy some though, and it's still as dry as can be. Plus, my scalp is extremely dry. It doesn't matter what dry scalp shampoo I use, it doesn't take it away.
Two Blessings:
1. Brad and I both have jobs. Although they might not be the greatest jobs in the world, we are able to afford to live in a beautiful home and put food on our table. We are paying off all our debt and are starting to get back onto a "financial" track. We know we are every fortunate as many families are really struggling to find any sort of work. The Lord is definitely taking care of us!
2. We've got the best family in the world. Without them, we would definitely be in a pickle when it comes to having someone to watch our kids. I've got lots of family volunteers to babysit during the day (so I can work) and in the evenings (when Brad and I decide to go on a date). Today, my brother-in-law, Scott, has volunteered to show up at my house at 6:45am to watch the kids before school, take Halle to school, watch Parker while I'm at work, and then come back and watch both kids this evening for us. It's nice knowing a family member is willing to spend their entire day helping us out! Thank you to all my family!
One Favorite Recipe:
I will post my recipe from last night, as it is fresh on my mind:
Easy Chicken
(You can either cook this at 275* for 3 hours, or put it all in a crock pot and cook for 3-4 hours)
6-8 Chicken Breasts, can be cut into pieces
1 can Cream of Celery
2 cans Cream of Chicken
1 soup can of Milk
Parmesean Cheese
1 cup rice, uncooked
Mix everything together and put in 9*13 or crock pot. Sprinkle cheese over top.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
"This is freaking me out"
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Sickness, PLEASE go away
Friday, January 8, 2010
Snow Day
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Back into the swing of things
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Happy New Year!
I have a bunch of posts from this past year that I wrote, but never posted because I was waiting to add pictures to it. I feel like I should finish those and post them, but I think I will just keep those in my archives and start fresh and anew for the new year!
So, here's my first post of 2010!! It's a recap of our Christmas vacation!!
Christmas Day with my hubby!
We went and saw Trans Siberian Orchestra at the Palace! They rocked out!!
We played in the snow!