He invited over my in-laws and my family. Everyone could come except for my mom (in Chicago for work) and my borther (in medical school has no time for anything but studying).
Brad ordered Italia Garden's Mostaccoli Alforno, salad, and bread. There was quite a bit of confusion as after I checked my email on Sunday, I realized I had a 20% off catering coupon from Italia Garden's. Brad called to see if he could use it and ended up realizing that he had placed the order with the Italia Gardens that is WAY on the other side of town, not the one closest to us. They ended up being super nice about everything and even did all the calling for us to switch our order to the closer location. All was good, but Brad was sweating bullets for a few minutes. Everything tasted wonderful!!!
Halle and he made the german chocolate cake and Halle decorated it! I think it turned out really cute!
Everyone ate, laughed, talked, and watched some college basketball. We all jumped for joy when MSU made the last second 3 to win the game!!! (and we're not MSU fans, even though that's where my brother goes to medical school)
I got lots of gift cards to Hobby Lobby (Mom and Dad & Scott),
itunes (Andy & Todd),
Marshall's (Jess),
a new Pandora charm for my bracelet (Al),
black shoes from Target (Halle),
some much needed kitchen utensils (Parker),
a glass vase made my Brad's uncle Jim DeLange and $$ (Mom and Dad D.),
and Brad bought me a new coffee table, end table, and sofa table for our living room!!!!! 
I DEFINITELY got spoiled!!! Plus, part of my birthday gift from my parents was the tickets to see Beauty & the Beast a few weeks ago!!
I'm SO excited to go spend my gift cards and can't wait for my living room furniture to come in next week!!
I'm SO excited to go spend my gift cards and can't wait for my living room furniture to come in next week!!
It was another wonderful birthday for me! I am truly blessed and appreciate all the love my family poured on me to make my day special!
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