For some reason, this winter seems to be hitting my family hard with sickness. As I fought off sickness all fall long, my kids are getting slammed with being sick constantly this winter. When one is sick, the other is healthy, and sometimes I've got two sick kids at the same time. It starts to tire me out, and I'm not the one blowing my nose, coughing, sneezing, and fighting ear infections.

Parker has battled 3 ear infections since December. It doesn't help that he has always had problems with his ears since he was born. I mean, he has still never passed a hearing test! We have been seeing an ear specialist since December, and FINALLY, they have scheduled Parker to have a set of new tubes put in his ears and his adenoids out. The scheduled date of surgery is March 8! YAY!! Hopefully, this helps as just last night, he was screaming bloody murder and grabbing at his ear. We figured out the infection must have popped his ear drum and all the fluid came out-which I realized after seeing a bunch of gunk on his pillow and crusted around the inner edge of his ear. So...hopefully, the surgery will help take care of that problem. It can't come soon enough.
Along with ear infections, Parker's also battling a nasty cough and runny nose. We are keeping him on medicine to help aleviate some of the congestion. Halle has been fighting the same stuff too! She spent her entire Sunday on the couch, hacking up a storm. Her teacher won't let her go outside for recess this week as her cough is still really bad.
This has been going on for sometime now, with no end in sight. I think Parker believes everyone just takes medicine on a daily basis, because he is always begging us for medicine, like it's candy or something. He doesn't know a life without constantly taking medicine.
Winter AND sickness, I beg you to leave and bring us warm, sunny days and health! PLEASE!!

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