Parker, Grandma, and Halle

We went on a boat ride in the pontoon boat! It was a really nice lake, but it did start raining on us. Thankfully, there was a canopy cover, so we didn't get too wet!
Parker steering the boat
They had 2 swings, which the kids LOVED! Parker spent the majority of our two days there in that swing. It was in the shape of an airplane and it would go really high! He would just laugh!! It was SO sweet!! (You will notice the cabin is in the process of being re-sided)
About 2 seconds after Halle cast her first worm into the water, she caught a small Large Mouth Bass!!! We were all shocked! She wouldn't have anything to do with touching it or taking it off the hook, but she was quite excited!
Parker even went fishing with his own pole. He only had a bobber on the end of it, but he enjoyed reeling it in.
Parker got in the lake for a while, even though it was quite cool out. He LOVED it!! The water was quite warm, and he could splash and flop in the water. There was also a slide that went right into the water, so he slid down that a bunch of times.
We made bon-fires both nights we were there. I realized I am really good at roasting marshmallows!!! I toasted them perfectly brown without burning them. Everyone was quite impressed!!!
They started the 4th of July Sparklers a week early. They had lots of fun running around with them, but Parker ended up touching the hot part of one of the sparklers and burnt his finger. We didn't even realize his finger was all blistered up until the next day. He never once complained about it hurting. 
We had lots of fun hanging out with my parents. We wished we would have had warmer weather, so we could have went tubing and fishing more, but we enjoyed lots of laughs and scaring Halle with the "Sea Creature of the Black Lagoon" story. (She begged Papa to tell her a scary story around the bonfire). We ate SO much food, even enjoying a pie from the local bakery.
Halle didn't want our stay there to end and ended up going up further north with my parents to pick up the motor home that they inherited from my grandparents. She was going to get to ride in the motor home all the way back home tonight! I haven't heard from her yet, but I'm guessing she had a lot of fun!
Kellie, Halle and Parker are so adorable! I really enjoy all the pictures you post of them - you guys are such a cute family!
What a nice little vacation! Glad you had a good time! Wish I could send you some of our heat!!!
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