It rained and rained!! We had a decent thrunderstorm and it was quite windy. We think it might have hailed for a few minutes too!!
Since our day was kinda ruined because of the rain, we decided to go shopping and out to dinner. As we were driving down a main highway to the mall we wanted to go to, we saw a ton of downed power lines and tree branches down. There were 5-6 power line poles that had snapped right in half and we lying on the ground. One power pole was smashed into the front a building.All the businesses for about 10-15 miles were closed due to power outages and all the stop lights were
We ate dinner at "On the Border", which is now one of our favorite mexican restaurants. We ate way too many chips and salsa. Why are they so addicting?
When we left the restaurant it was downpouring in sheets. I couldn't believe how hard the rain was coming down. Our car was really close to the door, so Brad and Halle ran to get in, and then Brad was going to bring me and Parker an umbrella. They were outside maybe 7 seconds and were completely drenched...They both looked like they had taken a shower in the clothes. Their hair was soaked and their clothes were soaked all the way through!! Parker and I ended up running to the car a few minutes later when the rain died down a little, so we didn't get as soaked as them, but we got pretty wet!
Once we left the mall, the rain had stopped, but it had cooled way down. We didn't get any more wet though (thank goodness).
It was a typical Michigan day- sunny, warm, cloudy, thunderstorm, windy, rainy, hailing, cool. The only thing we were missing was "snow", which I wouldn't have been surprised if it had snowed. It's Michigan...Anything's possible!
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