The big event of this week: Parker is walking all by himself!!!!
For the last few months, he has been walking around furniture or walking while holding someone's hand, but would never venture out on his own. At the end of June (10.5 months old) he would take 5-8 steps from one person to another, but that was it. Since moving to MI, he really hasn't walked much on his own, not even taking a few steps here or there. We thought maybe it was because everything was so new to him, but last night we finally figured it all out. While we were at my parent's house, we were all sitting around eating our delicious banana splits (thanks Dad), and Parker just started walking from the couch out into the middle of the living room to where his toys were. I was so astonished!!! I got down on the floor and tried to have him walk from me to my dad, but instead Parker just took off walking all over the place, even in circles around me. He wasn't holding on to anything!!! soon as he would get to where the carpet changed to tile, he would sit down. So, we figued out that the reason he hasn't been walking much is because we live in a house that has hardwood/tile floors throughout the entire first floor. We have carpet in the basement, but are hardly ever down there but to sleep. He is more comfortable walking on carpeted areas. I am guessing because it doesn't hurt as bad when he falls down. So, tonight, we had everyone come down to "our house" (i.e. the basement) and Parker walked all over for them to see. It was so cute and sweet! I could tell he was super excited to be able to do it. I can't believe my little guy is growing up on me. He is now walking, is waving and saying "ba-ba" (Bye bye), is counting to 3 (he doesn't actually say the numbers, but makes little sounds) and on the 3rd noise, he does something like kick his feet or laugh, so he knows what counting to 3 is. He is pointing and puts his index finger up to show that he is 1 years old!!!! He is SO smart!!!!
I can't believe my bubba is going to be 1 in less than a week! I now am going to be chasing him everywhere!!!! It's going to be interesting to see all the different things he will get into now!!!
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