Friday, January 30, 2009
Working out for Florida
Thursday, January 29, 2009
What's New with Parker and Halle
* Is in a 2nd grade reading level at school (she's in 1st grade)
* Is starting gymnastics lessons this Saturday
* Is already into the 2nd level book in her piano (she just started lessons this school year)
* LOVES to do crafts/make food- she could honestly do a craft everyday if I would get on the ball and plan some crafts to do
* Weighs about 50 lbs; wears size 7-8 girls in clothes
* Wears a headband everyday to school (it doesn't require a lot of work, so she resorts to it)
* Has two good friends- Kate (at school) and Bailey (her cousin)
* Her favorite color is blue these days
* Misses North Carolina a ton- she talks about it a lot and wishes she still lived there
* Has already gotten a whole bunch of new clothes for our trip to Florida (I haven't gotten anything)
* Does not use his bottle to go to bed anymore
* Eats! Eats! Eats! He must be growing because he is constantly eating
* Says "No", "Da" "Eye" (while he points to your eye), "Ma", and all the different sounds animals make very clearly now. He won't say "horse", but will say "neigh" when describing animals.
* LOVES football, even though we aren't in football season any longer
* Loves to read books...He would do it all day if we had enough time to just sit and read
* Is attached to his dad...I'm chopped liver when it comes to choosing between Mom or Dad...oh well
*Weighs about 25 lbs and is off the charts in height (still)
* Wears 18 mo. clothes
* Is attached to his blankets- maybe more than he is to his dad- If he sees his blankets, he must have it/them in his hands. He is usually carrying around 2-3 blankets at a time
*Has lots of teeth and more are coming in now...They make for the sweetest smile ever!!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Brad's New Job
We are excited that Brad was given this opportunity and looking forward to all the new things he will learn and become involved in. Brad has always loved and played soccer, so this job is perfect for him. Pray for him that all goes well and that he will stay up on his school work!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Praying for Harper
Weekend in Grand Rapids
Al and Hal opened their gifts at the restaurant
I got Al this really cute orange purse- She liked it!!
After eating, we all headed back to my parent's house and Halle played with the gifts that she got-"Where in the World is Carmen Sandiago" computer game (sidenote: I had this same game as a kid and loved it...I also really wanted to be on the Carmen Sandiago tv show back in the day), Coloring books, and the Human Body game with a working stethoschope (from Andy). The rest of us played Scattergories and we all ate cake and ice cream!!
Al and Hal blowing out the candles on the cake
Mom and the Birthday girl
Me and Allyson
Parker getting cozy with Amber
The group
Me and Brad
Me, My brother-Andy, My sister- Allyson
Saturday morning we got up and headed to Grand Rapids, MI. It is about 2 hours away from where we live on the west side of the state. Brad's aunt and uncle live there, so we went to see them and see their new house (they actually moved into it a year or so ago, but we haven't had a chance to see it until now). Brad's parents went the night before so they didn't have to drive through the snow storm like us. Thankfully, we made it safely, even though we saw a lot of cars in the ditch or in accidents on our way there.
Their house is really nice. Just picture a Potterybarn catalog and that's what their house looks like. I totally forgot to take any pictures, but you get the idea. Everything was super organized and decorated so nicely.
When we first got there, we made homemade French Dip sandwiches (Brad's fav) and snacks. Then all the girls took off and went to Rockford, which is only 10-15 minutes away from where they lived. It's a cute little town with a bunch of different shops. We only went to a couple stores because we didn't have a lot of time and it was snowing like crazy. We went to The War Chest, which is a really awesome shop. It is owned by missionaries who go around the world and buy women out of sex slavery and give them a chance at a free life. They teach the women a trade, such as making jewelry, so that they can provide for themselves and their kids. The jewelry is beautiful and their stories are so awesome!!! We all got some jewelry and I will definitely go back again and get some more. We also went to a store called Jade, which has a bunch of neat clothes, purses, etc. I got a bright yellow shirt for when we go to Florida.
Saturday evening we just played games back at their house. Some good friends of theirs came over, so it was nice to get to know them as well. They are really trying to get Brad and I to move over there!!! It is a nice place to live, so we'll just have to see....
On Sunday, we went to their church, Blythefield Hills Baptist Church. It was really nice! Afterwards, we all went to Logan's for lunch! We sat with Nate and his girlfriend, Lisa. My stomach was really upset, so I honestly didn't enjoy the lunch at all. I wanted to eat, but I just couldn't. We headed back home afterwards and spent the evening relaxing!!!
It was a very enjoyable and fun weekend. We were glad we were able to make it over to Uncle Chip and Aunt Sharon's house and see them and their kids while we were there. They are a sweet family and hopefully we can get back over to that side of the state again this summer.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Halle's Birthday, Part 2
I can't believe Halle is already 7!!!! These years are flying by way too fast!!! These past 7 years have been absolutely great with Halle!! She brings me so much joy! Happy 7th Birthday Halle!!! I love you lots!!!!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Halle's Birthday Part 1
We spent about 3 hours at the waterpark on Friday. Around 7ish, we were all starting to get hungry. Seeing as how it's snowy and freezing here, we had absolutely no deisre to go anywhere out of the hotel, so we got dressed and went down to the restaurant at the hotel. There wasn't hardly anyone there, so it was nice and quiet and relaxing. All of our food was good and Halle got a blue slushie as her birthday dessert. We had planned to go back to the room and watch a movie, but Halle opened up her birthday presents from us and then played with them the rest of the evening. We were all pretty tired and were in bed and sleeping by 10:30- which is super early for Brad and me.
Here's part of the park
At dinner
And of course, the blessed HSM 3 cd!!
On Saturday, we went to McD's for breakfast. Parker was hilarious because he was SO hungry. He kept stuffing his face full of food. I think he ate more than Brad. Halle ate all of her meal too!!! I guess all the swimming made them hungry. We then went back to the hotel and played in the waterpark for about 4 hours. Halle loved everything there! She was going non-stop!!!!
Parker wanted to play basketball in the pool the entire timeHalle going down on the slides
Brad and Parker
Halle enjoyed running across on the slippery lily she took a spill
Halle went down the 2 big waterslides a TON of times! They are super fun!We came back home mid-afternoon, went out to eat with the DeLanges, and then Halle went to see "Bedtime Stories" with Brad's parents and Jess. I made Hello Kitty cupcakes and got all the groceries bought for tomorrow's party (Halle's Birthday Part 2- look for that on tomorrow's blog).
Everyone had a blast at Splash Village!!! Halle couldn't stop talking about it all week long!! She counted down the days until we went! It was such a nice way to celebrate her birthday this year!!! We had so much fun, it might become a new birthday tradition!!!