After the game, a bunch of people came back to the house and we ate pizzas. Actually, while we were at Little Caesars (that's a pizza place up here in MI-I missed it while I lived in NC), I witnessed a car hit a man on his motorcycle. The car actually hit the man and then sped off. Another car followed after it and I believe got his license plate number. There were a bunch of other people who witnessed the accident too, so I didn't stick around. The cops got there right when we were pulling out of the parking lot.
Jessica, Todd, and Halle
Dad and Mom DeLange
Al and Scott
Brad and Parker
After church, we all got changed and went to Past Tense. It is a country store/orchard. It is a lot of fun!! We all made our own scarecrows!! It is so much fun!! If you have never done it before, you should find a place to make one or try to make one at your home. We also got cider, carmel apples, and donuts and went on a hayride and picked pumpkins. It was a cooler day so it made for a great trip to the apple orchard. My parents, Brad's parents, Andy and Amber, Aunt Mindy and her kids, Jessica and Preston, and my family all went. It was a lot of fun!!!!
Bailey helping me stuff the legs of my scarecrow
My mom, dad and Halle working on theirs
Andy and Amber
Parker looking confused as to what is going on
Dad D and Todd working on their scarecrow's head
Chad and Parker
Eating a carmel apple
Brad and Parker in the pumpkin patch
Halle having a lot of fun on the slideThe traditional picture in front of the pumpkins
Here's our scarecrow
It was a fun-filled weekend. The fun didn't end there though!!! Monday, Sept 29, was Brad and my 7th wedding anniversary!!! I can't believe we have been married 7 years! It has gone by fast! Brad bought me 7 long stem roses and we went out to dinner and Outback Steakhouse- I was in the mood for a Bloomin Onion. We walked around the mall for a little while afterwards, but had to get home early to get kids into bed and get ready for the next day of school and work. We are planning to go out this weekend as well to celebrate. I wish I could post some of my wedding pics on here, but 7 years ago, digital cameras weren't even around (or if they were, they were way too expensive for anyone I knew to own one). I love you Brad and hope we can share the next 70 years together. It's been a fun ride so far. I can't wait to see what all is in store for us in years to come!!! Happy Anniversary Babe!!